Build Your Business
with AFSA

Josh Shapiro

Solving problems with
help from the AFSA.

Stacey Fantauzzi

How the AFSA
helped my business.

Terry Victor

Stay ahead of the
curve with AFSA.

How can we help you?

Engage with Exceptional Services

Solve problems faster with AFSA’s expert advice. Being an AFSA member is like having an FPE on your staff. You’ll have access to our engineering and technical professionals for FREE TECHNICAL REVIEWS that save members, on average, $3,500 each. Our pros advocate for you and your business.

Increase Your Technical Knowledge

As a member, you have access to the BEST TRAINING in the industry at members-only rates. Gain higher profitability by heightening your technical knowledge.  Whatever your education and training needs, team AFSA is here to set you up for success

Boost Your Connections

AFSA has numerous LOCAL CHAPTERS, an active online community, and hosts the industry’s largest fire sprinkler industry show, all of which increase networking opportunities. With over 60 educational sessions, it’s your one-stop shop for CEUs/CPDs.

Dues to American Fire Sprinkler Association are not deductible as a charitable contribution but may be deductible as an ordinary business expense.  A portion of dues, however, is not deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense to the extent that the American Fire Sprinkler Association engages in state or federal lobbying.  The non-deductible portion of dues is 3%.

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