Fire Pump ITM Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

AFSA’s Fire Pump ITM Workshop is designed to provide ITM technicians, Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), and facilities managers with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills related to fire pump installations and the necessary ITM procedures. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the key differences between diesel and electric-driven fire pumps, engage in hands-on exercises to […]

Intermediate ITM Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

Throughout this workshop, participants will explore the intricacies of NFPA 25, gaining practical expertise in determining the minimum frequencies and procedures for inspection and testing. They will develop advanced skills in performing water flow tests on private service mains and standpipes analyzing and interpreting the results. Additionally, participants will dive into the requirements, component differentiation, […]

Beginning ITM Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

Participants will ignite their knowledge of codes and standards while gaining a deeper understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the owner or designated representative, ITM technician, and Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The class includes hands-on demonstrations and activities of wet systems, dry systems, and fire pumps, including (but not limited to) main drain testing, […]

Intermediate Design School

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

Next Level Design Experienced layout technicians will find this blended learning course useful to understand the tools they utilize in-depth and gain a deeper knowledge of layout standpipes, fire pumps, seismic protection, and the design requirements for general storage. In addition to mastering requirements in NFPA 13, NFPA 14, and NFPA 20, students will utilize […]

Beginning Design School

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

The Beginning Design School presents a comprehensive, practical approach to preparing fire sprinkler system drawings. Over a three-week period, students will attend six live webinars studying and reviewing the installation and design approach requirements of NFPA 13 (2019) while completing self-paced exercises and module assessments. Q&A sessions and open discussions will also be included as […]

Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculations Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

In this three-day, in-person workshop, students will understand and apply principles of hydraulics, including the different types of pressure, calculating changes in pressure (elevation and friction loss), and node analysis. Students will apply factors for equivalent length adjustments based on pipe type, size, and system arrangement. Using the principles of hydraulics, students will select a […]

Advanced Hydraulic Calculations Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

This three-day, in-person workshop provides a deep dive into advanced hydraulic principles for standpipe systems, fire pump assemblies, and water storage tanks. Students will receive classroom instruction, work through examples, and complete practice exercises. Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to: Determine minimum design requirements for standpipe systems Identify vertical […]

Fire Pump ITM Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

AFSA’s Fire Pump ITM Workshop is designed to provide ITM technicians, Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), and facilities managers with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills related to fire pump installations and the necessary ITM procedures. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the key differences between diesel and electric-driven fire pumps, engage in hands-on exercises to […]

Intermediate ITM Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

Throughout this workshop, participants will explore the intricacies of NFPA 25, gaining practical expertise in determining the minimum frequencies and procedures for inspection and testing. They will develop advanced skills in performing water flow tests on private service mains and standpipes analyzing and interpreting the results. Additionally, participants will dive into the requirements, component differentiation, […]

Fire Pump ITM Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

AFSA’s Fire Pump ITM Workshop is designed to provide ITM technicians, Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), and facilities managers with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills related to fire pump installations and the necessary ITM procedures. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the key differences between diesel and electric-driven fire pumps, engage in hands-on exercises to […]

Intermediate Design School

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

Next Level Design Experienced layout technicians will find this blended learning course useful to understand the tools they utilize in-depth and gain a deeper knowledge of layout standpipes, fire pumps, seismic protection, and the design requirements for general storage. In addition to mastering requirements in NFPA 13, NFPA 14, and NFPA 20, students will utilize […]

Advanced Hydraulic Calculations Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

Need Help with the Hydraulic Calcs Portion of NICET III? This three-day, in-person workshop provides a DEEP DIVE into advanced hydraulic principles for standpipe systems, fire pump assemblies, and water storage tanks. Students will receive classroom instruction, work through examples, and complete practice exercises. Smaller Class Sizes = More Individual Attention Learning Objectives: Upon completion […]

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